21.01.2017, 17:24
try to do like this
#define SQL_HOST ""
#define SQL_USER "root"
#define SQL_PASS "admin"
#define SQL_DB "tw_server"//
public OnGameModeInit()
connection = mysql_init(LOG_ONLY_ERRORS, 1);
mysql_connect("", "root", "admin", "tw_server", connection, 1);
but make sure that u have change local host pass to admin
#define SQL_HOST ""
#define SQL_USER "root"
#define SQL_PASS "admin"
#define SQL_DB "tw_server"//
public OnGameModeInit()
connection = mysql_init(LOG_ONLY_ERRORS, 1);
mysql_connect("", "root", "admin", "tw_server", connection, 1);
but make sure that u have change local host pass to admin