[Ajuda] Include e plugin

Coloquei a dele jб. entrei aqui no forum e pesquisei streamer incognito procurei . E coloquei na GM .
E simplesmente da isso, da pra entender? Jб coloquei tudo no lugar certo .
*** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26105) does not match plugin version (0x26104) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)

Messages In This Thread
Include e plugin - by GuiKommander - 21.01.2017, 05:22
Re: Include e plugin - by RazorGuigo - 21.01.2017, 12:25
Re: Include e plugin - by GuiKommander - 21.01.2017, 16:14
Programando e Relaxando! - by RazorGuigo - 21.01.2017, 16:15
Re: Include e plugin - by IlanZ - 21.01.2017, 16:19
Re: Include e plugin - by ViDaLoKa1 - 21.01.2017, 16:23
Re: Include e plugin - by GuiKommander - 21.01.2017, 16:34
Re: Include e plugin - by IlanZ - 21.01.2017, 16:39
Re: Include e plugin - by GuiKommander - 21.01.2017, 16:42
Re: Include e plugin - by ViDaLoKa1 - 21.01.2017, 16:50

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