Animation, BACK WINDOW icon

Originally Posted by djoudjou
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Like this. An animation was executed on "Ronnie_Pennington" and he was considered like AFK (icon on left-side of health/armour bar).
The player is not AFK! It's a bug, he was desync of the server. And when the animation was stopped the player was re-sync (icon removed).
can u post here the code of ApplyAnimation ?

Messages In This Thread
Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by djoudjou - 07.01.2017, 16:00
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by Codeah - 07.01.2017, 20:02
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by djoudjou - 21.01.2017, 09:07
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by Yaa - 21.01.2017, 10:20
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by djoudjou - 21.01.2017, 11:20
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by djoudjou - 21.01.2017, 18:52
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by Codeah - 21.01.2017, 19:01
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by Yaa - 21.01.2017, 19:10
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by djoudjou - 26.01.2017, 07:43
Re: Animation, BACK WINDOW icon - by djoudjou - 28.01.2017, 08:34

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