small help

doesnt work

my edited code
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    if(text[0] == '@')
		 text[1] = antiswear(text[1]); // bfchat with anti swear
         new string[128];
		 format(string, sizeof(string), "BF_CHAT %s [%d]: %s", PlayerName(playerid),playerid,text[1]);
       for(new s = 0; s < strlen(text); s++)
	    text[s] = tolower(text[s]);
       for(new j = 0; j < strlen(text); j++)
        text[j] = antiswear(text[j]);
    return 0;
still doesnt work

my edited function
     new chatswear,len;
     for(new cs = 0; cs < MAX_WORDS; cs++)
         //check if the word is offensive
         chatswear = strfind(text, swear[cs], true);
         if(chatswear > -1)
             len = strlen(swear[cs]);
             if(len < 3) break;
             for(new y = 1; y < len; y++)
                text[y] = '*'; //chatswear+y

Messages In This Thread
small help - by DetoNater - 21.01.2017, 06:49
Re: small help - by czop1223 - 21.01.2017, 07:01
Re: small help - by DetoNater - 21.01.2017, 07:42
Re: small help - by BiosMarcel - 21.01.2017, 07:45
Re: small help - by DetoNater - 21.01.2017, 08:59
Re: small help - by Luicy. - 21.01.2017, 09:04
Re: small help - by DetoNater - 21.01.2017, 09:14
Re: small help - by DetoNater - 21.01.2017, 12:57

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