Help me in my mapping

Originally Posted by azzerking
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How are you restarting your server? Manually, or GMX?

If it's GMX, then the problem is when your showing labels, your not updating the object to show the labels, your only applying it. As for when your server restarts, you haven't reset the enum / variable that holds the labels ability to show. So when the server restarts and the objects load in, its checking the variable holding the status of the showing label and showing it.

Simply reset your variables on OnGameModeExit, or what ever function you need to.
Just adding, this is not needed in gamemodes! The whole AMX gets reloaded, and all variables will revert to default. Simply because ALL variables ALWAYS have a default value when created (0 if nothing specified), they technically cannot keep their values.

Only Filterscripts do not get reloaded during a GMX. Saying so he doesn't have to do unneccessary work in case it was added in the gamemode.

Also, correct initialization is more clever, that has to be done anyway and makes most exiting code obsolete.

Messages In This Thread
Help me in my mapping - by tharvin - 16.01.2017, 14:41
Re: Help me in my mapping - by XBrianX - 16.01.2017, 15:18
Re: Help me in my mapping - by azzerking - 16.01.2017, 20:19
Re: Help me in my mapping - by tharvin - 19.01.2017, 09:04
Re: Help me in my mapping - by tharvin - 19.01.2017, 12:10
Re: Help me in my mapping - by Rufio - 19.01.2017, 12:42
Re: Help me in my mapping - by AndreiWow - 19.01.2017, 13:19
Re: Help me in my mapping - by kelvinis - 19.01.2017, 15:59
Re: Help me in my mapping - by NaS - 19.01.2017, 18:08

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