Unable to save screenshot

I had this problem when I first got my new laptop but somehow it fixed itself but after a meanwhile it returned.

The thing is, when I got a new laptop (Windows 10, if it has something to do with it (I don't think it does)) I was unable to save a screenshot, somehow this problem fixed itself and I could take screenshots but now I cant take screenshots anymore. The problem obviously returned, I searched a few threads that were made regarding this but none helped. I also tried reinstalling SA-MP which still didn't fix the problem. I am clueless to fixing this problem, did anyone have the same issue as me and how did he/she fix it? Help would be gladly appreciated.

Also, don't post if you're gonna say "Download Fraps or some screenshot taking system" since I wont. There is a reason 'taking screenshots' was added.

Messages In This Thread
Unable to save screenshot - by Quinncell - 10.01.2017, 18:52
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by SickAttack - 10.01.2017, 19:11
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by Quinncell - 11.01.2017, 10:17
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by SyS - 11.01.2017, 10:19
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by Quinncell - 11.01.2017, 10:22
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by BurnZ - 11.01.2017, 11:23
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by saffierr - 11.01.2017, 11:47
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by oMa37 - 11.01.2017, 11:48
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by Quinncell - 11.01.2017, 11:56
Re: Unable to save screenshot - by Logic_ - 11.01.2017, 18:08

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