Dialog for all players

Uh how do I make so when the admin type a command it will show a dialog for all players? I mean.. how do I define playerersid as all players so I can use that to show the dialog.

Messages In This Thread
Dialog for all players - by AndreiWow - 06.01.2017, 16:46
Re: Dialog for all players - by iLearner - 06.01.2017, 16:46
Re: Dialog for all players - by AndreiWow - 06.01.2017, 16:50
Re: Dialog for all players - by AndreiWow - 06.01.2017, 17:03
Re: Dialog for all players - by iLearner - 06.01.2017, 17:05
Re: Dialog for all players - by Konstantinos - 06.01.2017, 17:12
Re: Dialog for all players - by AndreiWow - 06.01.2017, 17:18
Re: Dialog for all players - by xTURBOx - 06.01.2017, 17:25
Re: Dialog for all players - by AndreiWow - 06.01.2017, 17:32
Re: Dialog for all players - by GoldenLion - 06.01.2017, 19:16

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