Building a Web API

Alright so I am making this small framework that I will release further on once I complete it (its still in extremly early alpha, its being developed for like 2 days now lol).

It started off as a wordpress theme but I decided to do something else without it (therefore dont mind the github project name!)

Its still not safe to use, there are a bit of glitches and bugs I've found while working with it altho Im dedicated to it and I plan to release it once its fully done

This is the current progress
Click me

Why this?
Well it makes life easier, you could prety much build a secure register-login, UCP and the rest without too much knowledge of codding, makes life easier waaay more

This is for example how you could create login register system with it (It will feature ajax part also, just not done with PHP backend yet so dont expect it too soon). This is EARLY fiddle of it, it doesnt support any sort of form methods and so on, I do plan to introduce that in the future, so as Ajax.

Sample code (no ajax, no forms submitted etc, just the backend itself)
PHP Code:
$QUERY_OBJECT = new safe_query();
$QUERY_OBJECT->prepare("SELECT"//type of the query we are making, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE etc..
->what("Name, Password")
where("Username='Twinki'"//by default, it will return ALL (*) results
->execute(); //executing the query
    //query will be SELECT Name, Password FROM UsersTable WHERE Username='Twinki'
if($QUERY_OBJECT->searchResult_bool("Name","Twinki") && $QUERY_OBJECT->searchResult_bool("Password","123")) { //if name exists and password is 123
echo "Welcome back Twinki!";
    } else {
"You are not Twinki! Wrong password boi!";
Of course this will be simplified even more.

Whats the advantages of it?
- No need to worry about security as the backend will just do that for you
- Extremly easy to use even for people without PHP & MySQL knowledge

- It will take a bit of time to assemble it as Im the only one working on it and I want to keep it that way for this time being atleast

So what is your opinion on it?

I didnt place it under tools & others as its something in early development and its not for release just yet.

Messages In This Thread
Building a Web API - by TwinkiDaBoss - 04.01.2017, 22:03
Re: Building a Web API - by SickAttack - 04.01.2017, 23:19
Re: Building a Web API - by BlackBank - 05.01.2017, 17:31
Re: Building a Web API - by TwinkiDaBoss - 05.01.2017, 17:39
Re: Building a Web API - by azzerking - 15.01.2017, 10:23

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