[UNSOLVED!!]Talking as a channel bot...

Don't Worry, had a long look at SA-MP Wiki and found the /me command which is basically what i need to make the Bot thing.
Thnx all again tho!

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
  if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/bot", true, 4)) // 4 is the length of /bot
    if(!cmdtext[3])return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "USAGE: /bot [message]");
    new str[128];
    format(str, sizeof(str), "*Tokyo-Drift_BOT %s", str, cmdtext[4]);
    SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, str);
    return 1;
  return 0;
EDIT: not working, i used the script above but when i typed /bot Hi! it just came up in text as
SERVER: You are now logged in as Admin
DeJordzta: hey all, how r u guyz?

Messages In This Thread
[UNSOLVED!!]Talking as a channel bot... - by DEJORDZTA - 11.08.2009, 04:50
Re: Talking as a channel bot... - by dice7 - 11.08.2009, 06:31
Re: Talking as a channel bot... - by Ez - 11.08.2009, 06:44
Re: Talking as a channel bot... - by DEJORDZTA - 27.08.2009, 04:38
Re: Talking as a channel bot... - by DEJORDZTA - 27.08.2009, 05:29
Re: Talking as a channel bot... - by DEJORDZTA - 29.08.2009, 09:41
Re: [SOLVED!!]Talking as a channel bot... - by Abernethy - 29.08.2009, 09:44
Re: [SOLVED!!]Talking as a channel bot... - by DEJORDZTA - 30.08.2009, 04:52
Re: [UNSOLVED!!]Talking as a channel bot... - by DEJORDZTA - 11.09.2009, 22:04

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