fremove problem

Probably related to the directory seperator. Windows uses the backslash so it treats a forward slash as part of the filename. The same problem occurs if trying to include files with forward slashes; a path greater than 36-ish characters in length produces glitchy behavior. consider doing something like:

PHP код:
#define OS_WINDOWS
#if defined OS_WINDOWS
static const pattern[] = \"\groups\names\%s.ini";
static const pattern[] = \"/groups/names/%s.ini";
format(stringsizeof(string), patternGroupInfo[groupid][gName]); 
Obviously defining OS_WINDOWS as necessary. Comment the line when compiling for a Linux host.

Messages In This Thread
fremove problem - by TonyII - 02.01.2017, 20:24
Re: fremove problem - by Vince - 02.01.2017, 22:46
Re: fremove problem - by TonyII - 03.01.2017, 00:07

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