Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"

In LoadHouses public the problem is at this:

                    HouseData[ id ][ houseX ] = cache_get_field_content_float( loaded, "HouseX" );
		    HouseData[ id ][ houseY ] = cache_get_field_content_float( loaded, "HouseY" );
		    HouseData[ id ][ houseZ ] = cache_get_field_content_float( loaded, "HouseZ" );
		    HouseData[ id ][ Price ] = cache_get_field_content_int( loaded, "HousePrice" );
		    HouseData[ id ][ SalePrice ] = cache_get_field_content_int( loaded, "HouseSalePrice" );
		    HouseData[ id ][ Interior ] = cache_get_field_content_int( loaded, "HouseInterior" );
		    HouseData[ id ][ LockMode ] = cache_get_field_content_int( loaded, "HouseLock" );
		    HouseData[ id ][ SafeMoney ] = cache_get_field_content_int( loaded, "HouseMoney" );
		    HouseData[ id ][ LastEntered ] = cache_get_field_content_int( loaded, "LastEntered" );
if i put this between /* */ the houses loads.
Loaded 1125 Houses.
That code is important and i have no ideea what problem is there..

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