30.12.2016, 07:29
help me bro, i having erors..
PHP код:
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[15:13:48] Server Plugins
[15:13:48] --------------
[15:13:48] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[15:13:48] CrashDetect v4.13.1-lse is OK.
[15:13:48] Loaded.
[15:13:48] Loading plugin: audio
*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***
[15:13:48] Loaded.
[15:13:48] Loading plugin: sscanf
[15:13:56] ===============================
[15:13:56] sscanf plugin loaded.
[15:13:56] Version: 2.8.2
[15:13:56] (c) 2012 Alex "******" Cole
[15:13:56] ===============================
[15:13:56] Loaded.
[15:13:56] Loading plugin: Encrypt
[15:13:56] ______________________________________
[15:13:56] Encrypt Plugin v0.1 loaded
[15:13:56] ______________________________________
[15:13:56] By: Fro (c) Copyright <TBG> 2009-2010
[15:13:56] ______________________________________
[15:13:56] Loaded.
[15:13:56] Loading plugin: CTime
» CTime Library Plugin For Pawn v0.1.0 - Copyright © 2011 RyDeR`
[15:13:56] Loaded.
[15:13:56] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.8.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[15:13:56] Loaded.
[15:13:56] Loaded 6 plugins.
[15:13:56] Filterscripts
[15:13:56] ---------------
[15:13:56] Loading filterscript 'tollsystem.amx'...
[15:13:57] Loading filterscript 'animations.amx'...
[15:14:01] Loading filterscript 'Buttons.amx'...
[15:14:05] Loading filterscript 'int.amx'...
[15:14:09] Loading filterscript 'intmenu.amx'...
[15:14:12] Loaded 5 filterscripts.
[15:14:17] =======================================
[15:14:17] | |
[15:14:17] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[15:14:17] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[15:14:17] | |
[15:14:17] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[15:14:17] | |
[15:14:17] =======================================
[15:14:17] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[15:14:17] ** 0 <-> Objects Loaded From <-> DObjects.txt **
[15:14:18] BUD v1.0.5 BETA loaded.
[15:14:20] Freddes GPS System Is Now Loaded...
[15:14:20] --------------------------------------
[15:14:20] Dinamic Script Mapping Loaded..
[15:14:20] Memuat Database Dynamic Objects Server...
[15:14:21] WorkShop Berhasil Dimuat
[15:14:21] [System] Board loaded successfully.
[15:14:43] [script] 3DTEXTDRAW LIMIT: 1024 (Static, non-streamed) | 3DTEXTDRAW COUNT: 1974
[15:14:43] [script] PICKUP LIMIT: 4096 (Static, non-streamed) | PICKUP COUNT: 1785
[15:14:43] [script] OBJECT LIMIT: 1000 (Static, non-streamed) | OBJECT COUNT: 5931
[15:14:43] Number of vehicle models: 71
[15:14:43] =======================================
[15:14:43] | |
[15:14:43] | Error: Could not connect to YSI |
[15:14:43] | update server (response was 001). |
[15:14:43] | |
[15:14:43] =======================================
[15:14:43] BUD - Notice: Unable to check for updates; internal error code 1.
[15:15:47] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:15:48] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[15:15:48] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[15:15:48] [join] Dandy_Corleone has joined the server (0:
[15:16:27] Dandy_Corleone has logged in.
[15:16:27] Loading Dandy_Corleone's vehicles.
[15:16:27] Loading all vehicles mods.
[15:16:27] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[15:16:27] [debug] Accessing element at index 999 past array upper bound 500
[15:16:27] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[15:16:27] [debug] #0 0010dd94 in public OnPlayerStateChange (0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000008) from nfsnew.amx
[15:16:40] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[15:16:47] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[15:16:48] [zcmd] [Dandy Corleone]: /editprice
[15:16:54] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[15:16:55] [zcmd] [Dandy Corleone]: /editprice nos 100
[15:16:55] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[15:17:01] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[15:17:07] Unloading Dandy_Corleone's vehicles.
[15:17:07] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[15:17:07] [part] Dandy_Corleone has left the server (0:1)