Player isn't in a turf

No, i have 42 turfs in database. The appear on the map but can't be attacked. Server doesn't detect them. Also, I receive some warnings in server.cfg.

4:43:14] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[14:43:14] [debug]  Accessing element at index 42 past array upper bound 41
[14:43:14] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[14:43:14] [debug] #0 001136b4 in public IsPlayerInTurf (playerid=11, turfid=42) at D:\server\gmi.pwn:19698
[14:43:14] [debug] #1 0016d5b4 in public AB_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=11, killerid=13, reason=24) at D:\server\gmi.pwn:26106
[14:43:14] [debug] #2 0001fbf0 in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=11, killerid=13, reason=24) at D:\proiecte\server\gmi.pwn

Messages In This Thread
Player isn't in a turf - by Nin9r - 12.12.2016, 11:01
Re: Player isn't in a turf - by mahdi499 - 12.12.2016, 16:36
Re: Player isn't in a turf - by Nin9r - 13.12.2016, 08:08
Re: Player isn't in a turf - by iLearner - 13.12.2016, 09:48
Re: Player isn't in a turf - by Nin9r - 13.12.2016, 10:11
Re: Player isn't in a turf - by Nin9r - 13.12.2016, 19:45
Re: Player isn't in a turf - by Nin9r - 17.12.2016, 17:19

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