CPU start but no display Help

CPUs barely break unless you treat them very badly. When it comes to "no display", first idea would be the graphic card. Get a different one and test it, e.g. ask a friend to lend you his card, if you dont have spare cards lying around.
If this doesnt fix it, try a different PSU. If even this doesnt help, your mainboard probably is dead.

Messages In This Thread
CPU start but no display Help - by RedRex - 09.12.2016, 15:19
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by XBrianX - 09.12.2016, 15:24
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by Vince - 09.12.2016, 16:30
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by Quinncell - 09.12.2016, 16:52
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by Merciful - 10.12.2016, 03:45
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by rt-2 - 10.12.2016, 04:27
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by Luis- - 10.12.2016, 04:30
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by Pizzy - 10.12.2016, 13:53
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by Mauzen - 10.12.2016, 14:54
Re: CPU start but no display Help - by Sublime - 11.12.2016, 01:13

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