09.12.2016, 11:15
TogglePlayerCameraView(playerid, bool:toggle); SetPlayerCameraView(playerid, view); GetPlayerCameraView(playerid); ShowPlayerHealthBars(); ShowPlayerHealthBarForPlayer(playerid, forplayerid); ShowPlayerNameTags() ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(playerid, forplayerid); AttachMapiconToPlayer(playerid, Float:offsetX, Float:offsetY, Float:offsetZ, Float:rotX, Float:rotY, Float:rotZ); AttachMapiconToVehicle(vehicleid, Float:offsetX, Float:offsetY, Float:offsetZ, Float:rotX, Float:rotY, Float:rotZ); AttachMapiconToObject(objectid, Float:offsetX, Float:offsetY, Float:offsetZ, Float:rotX, Float:rotY, Float:rotZ);
- Macros for Mapicons in the chat and in 3D Text Labels (e.g. #MAPICON_ROBBERY)
- Client-sided timers (huge shift of unnecessary overhead from server to clients)
- Increase limit of client messages to 256 characters
- Increase limit of textdraw strings to 256 characters
- Allow up to four dialog buttons
- Lag compensation for vehicles (no more lag pitting)
- Basic native NPC functionality, such as walking from node to node, holding a gun, aiming, shooting and performing animations.