Servidor nгo liga/Server will not turn on

Meu servidor nгo quer ligar na host,jб tentei em vбrias host e nгo liga,pode ser plugin? P.S; amx antiga liga mas a nova nгo ligar que eu editei agora nгo quer mais ligar,pode ser algum plugin? e oque me deixa mais confuso й o tamanho...
23kb,e a anterior й 160kb
Entгo nгo sei oque fazer...
se poderem me ajudar agradeзo

My server does not want to connect on the host, I've tried multiple hosts and it does not connect, can it be a plugin? P.S; Amx old alloy but the new one does not connect that I edited now does not want to connect anymore, can it be some plugin? And what makes me more confused is the size ...
23kb, and the former is 160kb
So I do not know what to do
If you can help me, thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Servidor nгo liga/Server will not turn on - by Helielto - 05.12.2016, 14:45
Re: Servidor nгo liga/Server will not turn on - by zSuYaNw - 05.12.2016, 16:48
Re: Servidor nгo liga/Server will not turn on - by PT - 05.12.2016, 19:20
Re: Servidor nгo liga/Server will not turn on - by Helielto - 05.12.2016, 21:31

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