RemoveBuilding avoiding crashes

The thing is you can remove multiple buildings with one RemoveBuilding line, you could optimize your removes to be less while functioning the same, while players technically have those building removed while the client is up and running (don't quote me on that tho, I recall reading it somewhere written by one of Beta Testers) so you can put a check to see if current player has gone thru the function before, if not do it.
Also afaik PVars stay while GMXing too, there is no point using SVars.

Messages In This Thread
RemoveBuilding avoiding crashes - by TwinkiDaBoss - 25.11.2016, 22:49
Re: RemoveBuilding avoiding crashes - by Dignity - 25.11.2016, 23:51
Re: RemoveBuilding avoiding crashes - by SickAttack - 26.11.2016, 02:17
Re: RemoveBuilding avoiding crashes - by RaZVaN ^ xD - 01.12.2016, 21:40
Re: RemoveBuilding avoiding crashes - by SickAttack - 02.12.2016, 21:54
Re: RemoveBuilding avoiding crashes - by PrO.GameR - 03.12.2016, 11:14
Re: RemoveBuilding avoiding crashes - by SickAttack - 03.12.2016, 15:21

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