MySQL take string from table

I work on this way,because cant on the way which you write here..But anyway thank you
This is on CMD:INVITE:

format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `ImeClana` FROM `organizacije` WHERE `Slot` = '%d' AND `ImeOrganizacije` = '%s'", slot,ImeOrganizacije(PlayerInfo[para1][Lider]));
mysql_tquery(mysql, query, "ProveriSlot", "i", playerid);

This is on forward public:

forward ProveriSlot(playerid);
public ProveriSlot(playerid)
new clanime[50], nikoopet[MAX_PLAYER_NAME] = "NIKO";
cache_get_field_content(0, "ImeClana", clanime);
SlotPrazan[playerid] = 1;
if(strcmp(clanime,nikoopet)) return SCM(playerid, -1, ""CRVENA"[SA:RP]:"BELA"Neko se vec nalazi na slotu!"),SlotPrazan[playerid] = 0;
return 1;


Messages In This Thread
MySQL take string from table - by Vaki - 26.11.2016, 20:23
Re: MySQL take string from table - by Micko123 - 26.11.2016, 20:25
Re: MySQL take string from table - by d1git - 26.11.2016, 20:35
Re: MySQL take string from table - by Vaki - 26.11.2016, 20:57
Re: MySQL take string from table - by feartonyb - 26.11.2016, 22:37
Re: MySQL take string from table - by Vaki - 27.11.2016, 08:12

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