Originally Posted by amirm3hdi
For now I'm using an include/require for all my variables to use them in each function/event,
I'll try the global method too.
Also, I'm trying to show dialog but it doesn't work at all, no errors too :/ check:
PHP код:
Event::on("PlayerSpawn", function ($player) {
$dialog = Dialog::create(5, "{00FFFF}Weapon Class", "Select", "Cancel");
foreach(getWeaponClasses() as $class) {
Server::getWeaponName($class[weapons][0][0])." ($class[weapons][0][1])\t".
Server::getWeaponName($class[weapons][1][0])." ($class[weapons][1][1])\t".
Server::getWeaponName($class[weapons][2][0])." ($class[weapons][2][1])",
$dialog->on("Success", function($player, $dialog, $class) {
echo gettype($class);
Another question, is it okay to use normal samp functions? like ShowPlayerDialog?
What does
getWeaponClasses() returns(an object, array, etc) and looks like? Also what is the dialog supossed to do, because your code looks strange.