09.11.2016, 08:14
For admin I've put value 2.
For score value 6
For money value 10
For deaths value 6
For kills value 6
For VIP value 2
And should I put there tinyint??
And did I made mistake at assigning values??
Beacuse I've been told that values goes like this
Max money: 999999999
Valuse is : 123456789
But I've put it 10 just to be secure...
For score value 6
For money value 10
For deaths value 6
For kills value 6
For VIP value 2
And should I put there tinyint??
And did I made mistake at assigning values??
Beacuse I've been told that values goes like this
Max money: 999999999
Valuse is : 123456789
But I've put it 10 just to be secure...