I got Some Errors !!![Help pls]!!!

i would prefer making a table in phpmyadmin directly. and just use update function to save in it...
also i think this errors occured due to using same function that is creating a new table everytime..

Messages In This Thread
I got Some Errors !!![Help pls]!!! - by vikoo - 08.11.2016, 19:20
Re: I got Some Errors !!![Help pls]!!! - by Shaheen - 08.11.2016, 19:50
Re: I got Some Errors !!![Help pls]!!! - by vikoo - 08.11.2016, 20:25
Re: I got Some Errors !!![Help pls]!!! - by Yaa - 08.11.2016, 21:17

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