MoveObject & SetTimer in the same time

Well speed is measured in units per second... So how long do you want it for the object to take to move?

speed = distance / seconds

For example, if I want the object to move from one point to the other in 12 seconds, speed = distance / 12

Messages In This Thread
MoveObject & SetTimer in the same time - by NeXoR - 07.11.2016, 22:28
Re: MoveObject & SetTimer in the same time - by NaS - 08.11.2016, 01:31
Re: MoveObject & SetTimer in the same time - by NeXoR - 08.11.2016, 06:44
Re: MoveObject & SetTimer in the same time - by Threshold - 08.11.2016, 08:06
Re: MoveObject & SetTimer in the same time - by NeXoR - 08.11.2016, 10:56

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