04.11.2016, 18:38
Can you insert declarations of PlayerInfo with structure and CSpeedStats?
And, if you can, please run this code and show logs.
By printing we'll point of error.
And, if you can, please run this code and show logs.
public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid ) { new ServerHour, ServerMinute, ServerSecond; gettime( ServerHour, ServerMinute, ServerSecond ); print("OnPlayerSpawn was called"); SetupPlayerForGang( playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ GangID ] ); Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer( PlayerState[ playerid ], playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 ); ShowZonesForPlayer( playerid ); HideClassTD( playerid ); God_Mode_Verify( playerid ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, 0 ); SetPlayerSpecialAction( playerid, 0 ); SetPlayerTime( playerid, ServerHour, 0 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 ); print("First breakpoint"); CSpeedStats[ playerid ] = 1; HideIntroTextdraws( playerid ); Jail_EvadeCheck( playerid ); Freeze_EvadeCheck( playerid ); CheckDMInfo( playerid ); print("Second breakpoint"); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InDerby ] = 0; if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ UseSkin ] == 1 ) SetPlayerSkin( playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FavSkin ] ); print("Third breakpoint"); if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ HideTDS ] == 0 ) ShowSpawnTextdraws( playerid ); print("Fourth breakpoint"); if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 0 ] == 1 ) SetPlayerPos( playerid, - 786.646484, 2300.745849, 66.580314 ); print("End of OnPlayerSpawn"); return 1; }