Anti infinite ammo bug

I just added a anti-weapon/ammo hack to my server, when someone shoots with a minigun for exemple, the callback OnPlayerWeaponShot do this pMinigun[playerid] -= 1;, it's a global variable. I have a 1 sec timer that check if GetPlayerAmmo it's equal with pMinigun[playerid], but that give's me false positive when i shoot, what can i do?

Messages In This Thread
Anti infinite ammo bug - by qUneT - 03.11.2016, 20:53
Re: Anti infinite ammo bug - by RedFusion - 03.11.2016, 20:57
Re: Anti infinite ammo bug - by qUneT - 03.11.2016, 21:16
Respuesta: Anti infinite ammo bug - by Ner0x96 - 04.11.2016, 01:45
Re: Respuesta: Anti infinite ammo bug - by IceBilizard - 04.11.2016, 03:37

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