03.11.2016, 17:52
The file's tag has to have the same name as the second part of your loading function's name:
The problem with your tag is that it has a space and an apostrophe in it. You can do two things:
EDIT: I just noticed you have a function call to INI_SetTag with the tag 'PlayerData' and one with 'Player's Data'. They should be the same.
PHP код:
function_THISPARTOFTHEFUNCTIONNAME(playerid, name[], value[])
- Rename the function and the tag:
PHP код:INI_SetTag(File, "userdata");
PHP код:forward loadaccount_userdata(playerid, name[], value[]);
public loadaccount_userdata(playerid, name[], value[])
- Rename the tag and keep the function's name:
PHP код:INI_SetTag(File, "user");
PHP код:forward loadaccount_user(playerid, name[], value[]);
public loadaccount_user(playerid, name[], value[])
I am able to log on with any password! Change: PHP код:
PHP код: