Player TextDraw bug

Are u sure that the textdraw is being created? Sometimes i declare global textdraws and forget to create them at OnGameModeInit, so they don't show up. Maybe you forgot to put yours at OnPlayerConnect? Also, provide RVN function (which is used to return the vehicle name).

Messages In This Thread
Player TextDraw bug - by NeXoR - 03.11.2016, 12:08
Re: Player TextDraw bug - by Jelly23 - 03.11.2016, 12:19
Re: Player TextDraw bug - by NeXoR - 03.11.2016, 12:29
Re: Player TextDraw bug - by Jelly23 - 03.11.2016, 12:33
Re: Player TextDraw bug - by NeXoR - 03.11.2016, 12:51

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