is possible?

i did it like this

mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery), "SELECT `AName`,`HouseKey`,`LastLogin` FROM `players` WHERE `HouseKey` > 0 AND  `LastLogin` + INTERVAL 5 MINUTE <= NOW()  ORDER BY `HouseKey` DESC LIMIT 100");
but now is not giving me any player who owned a house and he didn't connect for more than 5 minute i have 1 house buyed 2 mins ago and a house buyed 1 weak a go and both are not showing

Messages In This Thread
is possible? - by StR_MaRy - 01.11.2016, 22:29
Re: is possible? - by TakeiT - 01.11.2016, 22:43
Re: is possible? - by StR_MaRy - 01.11.2016, 22:52

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