Timer problem

I have GM that I started working on few days ago. Point is that when you type /mission1 it sets you different VW and starts a timer. When I test in ot my localhost everything is great. When I test it online it is not so good.
When 2 players are online first timer startes but it freezes and second timer is not started.. I have no idea what to do
Here is the command
PHP код:
Mission1Started[playerid] == 1)
SCM(playerid, -1"Error! Mission already started");
Mission1Started[playerid] = 1;
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playeridplayerid 1);
Mission1Vehicle[playerid] = CreateVehicle(481, -2314.7249, -1642.0852483.70310.000500);
SetVehicleVirtualWorld(Mission1Vehicle[playerid], GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, -2470.377929, -1637.105468476.149871, -2182.300292, -1749.309814526.2734986000CAMERA_MOVE);
InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, -2473.697998, -1639.223632473.069213, -2186.064941, -1746.659667524.3231206000CAMERA_MOVE);
SCM(playerid, -1""SERVERBLUE"[MISSION 1]");
SCM(playerid, -1"This is your first assignment");
SCM(playerid, -1"You will be paid "SERVERBLUE"10 000$ "WHITE"if you eliminate your target");
SCM(playerid, -1"This is the place from where you will start");
timer1[playerid] = SetTimer("Mission1First"150000);

Any ideas?? If you need more code tell me

Messages In This Thread
Timer problem - by Micko123 - 01.11.2016, 20:36
Re: Timer problem - by oMa37 - 01.11.2016, 21:07
Re: Timer problem - by Micko123 - 01.11.2016, 21:16

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