What are the advantages of using CallLocalFunction

1) you're using old includes that used CallLocalFunction for hooking
2) script needs to call a function whose name is unknown at compile-time; eg most command processors (look up zcmd source; it's simpler to understand reading a piece of code)

Messages In This Thread
What are the advantages of using CallLocalFunction - by NeXoR - 01.11.2016, 19:57
Re: What are the advantages of using CallLocalFunction - by Jefff - 01.11.2016, 20:13
Re: What are the advantages of using CallLocalFunction - by Stinged - 01.11.2016, 20:16
Re: What are the advantages of using CallLocalFunction - by NeXoR - 01.11.2016, 20:16
Re: What are the advantages of using CallLocalFunction - by Spmn - 01.11.2016, 20:20
Re: What are the advantages of using CallLocalFunction - by SickAttack - 01.11.2016, 21:28
Re: What are the advantages of using CallLocalFunction - by NeXoR - 01.11.2016, 21:43

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