Do not allow matches at the same time.

Originally Posted by GranaT3
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Exact. But I have to determine a winner, but because both come out as winner.
Even if both client sends the info at the same time this is what is gonna happen:
The network will feel a collision, tell both client to resend data in a small random amount of time (TCP/IP Layer);
Then someone would come back before the other one inevitably;
Problem solved?;


Messages In This Thread
Do not allow matches at the same time. - by GranaT3 - 01.11.2016, 18:44
Re: Do not allow matches at the same time. - by oMa37 - 01.11.2016, 18:48
Respuesta: Do not allow matches at the same time. - by GranaT3 - 01.11.2016, 18:55
Re: Respuesta: Do not allow matches at the same time. - by rt-2 - 01.11.2016, 19:15

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