NPCs don't detect crouching players

Well you could technically use OnPlayerKeyStateChange as they have to press KEY_CROUCH to get in the crouched stance anyway, but GetPlayerSpecialAction may not return the expected result 100% of the time. A repeating timer would be good too, but would work just as well as OnPlayerUpdate.

Messages In This Thread
NPCs don't detect crouching players - by NealPeteros - 31.10.2016, 14:27
Re: NPCs don't detect crouching players - by Threshold - 31.10.2016, 16:23
Re: NPCs don't detect crouching players - by NealPeteros - 31.10.2016, 16:31
Re: NPCs don't detect crouching players - by Threshold - 31.10.2016, 16:48

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