Is there a smarter way to do this ?

Check if the player is INVALID_PLAYER_ID instead of checking if the player is not connected.
Don't use SendClientMessage inside the loop.
You don't need to use sizeof in the cache_get.., It basically get the sizeof the destination. ( max_len = sizeof(destination)).

PHP код:
IsAllowed(playerid3)) return NoAuth(playerid);
sscanf(params"u"playerb)) return SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_WHITE"USAGE: /checkalts [playerid]");
playerb == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_WHITE"Invalid ID.");
IsImmune(playeridplayerb)) return NotImmune(playerid);
query[128], Cache:resulttempname[24], tempdate[12];
mysql_format(mysqlquerysizeof(query), "SELECT `Username`, `Score`, `Registration` FROM `Users` WHERE `IP` = '%s' ORDER BY `UserID`"RPIP(playerb));
result mysql_query(mysqlquery);
rows cache_num_rows();
format(querysizeof(query), "Active & Registered accounts on %s."RPIP(playerb));
cache_get_field_content(i"Username"tempname); // use the connection handle if you have option DUPLICATE_CONNECTION
cache_get_field_content(i"Registration"tempdate);  // use the connection handle if you have option DUPLICATE_CONNECTION
format(querysizeof(query), "Username: %s || Registration Date: %s || Score: %d"tempnametempdatecache_get_field_content_int(i"Score"));

I think it's good now.

Messages In This Thread
Is there a smarter way to do this ? - by NeXoR - 28.10.2016, 08:54
Re: Is there a smarter way to do this ? - by oMa37 - 28.10.2016, 09:14
Re: Is there a smarter way to do this ? - by NeXoR - 28.10.2016, 09:22
Re: Is there a smarter way to do this ? - by oMa37 - 28.10.2016, 10:17
Re: Is there a smarter way to do this ? - by Threshold - 28.10.2016, 11:13
Re: Is there a smarter way to do this ? - by oMa37 - 28.10.2016, 11:21
Re: Is there a smarter way to do this ? - by AndySedeyn - 28.10.2016, 11:32
Re: Is there a smarter way to do this ? - by Threshold - 28.10.2016, 13:14

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