Crazy errors? Maybe!

Wait, First, i will give the line that i defined AddHouse(houseid, ...blablalblablabla.

10754 - 10832

AddHouse(houseid, Float:iconX, Float:iconY, Float:iconZ, Float:interiorX, Float:interiorY, Float:interiorZ, Costa, Sella, Interiora, virtualworld)
	new house[256];
	format(house, sizeof(house), "NFTDM/Houses/houseid%d",houseid);
		format(hInfo[houseid][Name], 24, DEFAULT_OWNER);
		dini_Set(house, "Name", DEFAULT_OWNER);
		format(hInfo[houseid][Renter], 24, "ForRent");
		dini_Set(house, "Renter", "ForRent");
		hInfo[houseid][Rentable] = 0;
		dini_IntSet(house, "Rentable", 0);
		hInfo[houseid][Rentcost] = 0;
		dini_IntSet(house, "Rentcost", 0);
		hInfo[houseid][Cost] = Costa;
		dini_IntSet(house, "Cost", Costa);
		hInfo[houseid][Sell] = Sella;
		dini_IntSet(house, "Sell", Sella);
		hInfo[houseid][Interior] = Interiora;
		dini_IntSet(house, "Interior", Interiora);
		dini_IntSet(house, "Virtualworld", virtualworld);
		hInfo[houseid][Virtualworld] = virtualworld;
		hInfo[houseid][Locked] = 1;
		dini_IntSet(house, "Locked", 1);
		hInfo[houseid][InteriorX] = interiorX;
		hInfo[houseid][InteriorY] = interiorY;
		hInfo[houseid][InteriorZ] = interiorZ;
		dini_FloatSet(house, "X", interiorX);
		dini_FloatSet(house, "Y", interiorY);
		dini_FloatSet(house, "Z", interiorZ);
		dini_IntSet(house, "RentPay", 0);
		dini_IntSet(house, "RentGet", 0);
		print("--------------House Created--------------");
		printf("- Houseid: %d", houseid);
		printf("- Buy Cost: %d", Costa);
		printf("- Sell Cost: %d", Sella);
		printf("- Interior: %d", Interiora);
		printf("- VirtualWorld: %d", virtualworld);
	    format(hInfo[houseid][Name], 24, dini_Get(house, "Name"));
	    format(hInfo[houseid][Renter], 24, dini_Get(house, "Renter"));
	    hInfo[houseid][Rentable] = dini_Int(house, "Rentable");
	    hInfo[houseid][Rentcost] = dini_Int(house, "Rentcost");
	    hInfo[houseid][Cost] = dini_Int(house, "Cost");
	    hInfo[houseid][Sell] = dini_Int(house, "Sell");
	    hInfo[houseid][Interior] = dini_Int(house, "Interior");
	    hInfo[houseid][Locked] = dini_Int(house, "Locked");
	    hInfo[houseid][InteriorX] = dini_Float(house, "X");
	    hInfo[houseid][InteriorY] = dini_Float(house, "Y");
	    hInfo[houseid][InteriorZ] = dini_Float(house, "Z");
	    hInfo[houseid][Virtualworld] = dini_Int(house, "Virtualworld");
	format(house, sizeof(house), "NFTDM/Houses/houseid%d",houseid);
	hTextInfo[houseid] = Text3D:INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
	new hnowner[25];
    	format(hnowner,128,"Not Owned");
		hTextInfo[houseid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(hnowner,0x00FF00FF,iconX,iconY,iconZ+0.75,40);
		HousePickup[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, iconX, iconY, iconZ);//not bought
		housemapicon[houseid] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(iconX, iconY, iconZ,31,c_y);
 		hTextInfo[houseid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(hnowner,0xFF0000FF,iconX,iconY,iconZ+0.75,40);
		HousePickup[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(1272,23, iconX, iconY, iconZ);//bought
		housemapicon[houseid] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(iconX, iconY, iconZ,32,c_y);
The line 791 - 816.

	AddHouse(0, -2723.707763, -191.290557, 4.335937, 1299.14, -794.77, 1084.00, 300000, 290000, 5, 0); //Big house
	AddHouse(1, -2723.094970, -178.768417, 7.203125, 2496.65, -1696.55, 1014.74, 30000, 29000, 3, 0);//A small house ;)
	AddHouse(2, -2722.484619, -166.497085, 5.000000, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(3, -2723.282714, -162.595901, 4.342578, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(4, -2722.977539, -139.726028, 7.203125, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(5, -2723.020996, -127.889617, 5.000000, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(6, -2723.054687, -112.740875, 7.203125, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(7, -2723.263916, -105.408699, 4.342578, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(8, -2724.548583, -92.839942, 6.809413, 1299.14, -794.77, 1084.00, 100000, 91090, 5, 0); //Big house
	AddHouse(9, -2689.312500, -89.369110, 4.335937, 1299.14, -794.77, 1084.00, 300000, 290000, 5, 0); //Big house
	AddHouse(10, -2689.340576, -101.673187, 7.203125, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(11, -2689.618652, -114.119880, 5.000000, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(12, -2689.104003, -117.747894, 4.342578, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(13, -2689.413085, -140.969268, 7.203125, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(14, -2689.638427, -152.694717, 5.000000, 2496.65, -1696.55, 1014.74, 50000, 49000, 3, 0);//A small house ;)
	AddHouse(15, -2689.738525, -167.399414, 7.203125, 2496.65, -1696.55, 1014.74, 50000, 49000, 3, 0);//A small house ;)
	AddHouse(16, -2689.058837, -175.289321, 4.342578, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71, 150000, 140000, 12, 0);//Big house
	AddHouse(17, -2687.462402, -187.970642, 7.182571, 1299.14, -794.77, 1084.00, 100000, 91090, 5, 0); //Big house
	AddHouse(18, -2645.145019, 804.590209, 49.976562, 2251.85, -1138.16, 1050.63, 50000, 49000, 9, 0); //A small house ;)
	AddHouse(19, -2659.705566, 803.421386, 49.976562, 2251.85, -1138.16, 1050.63, 50000, 49000, 9, 0); //A small house ;)
	AddHouse(20, -2738.431884, 746.748596, 49.243583, 2251.85, -1138.16, 1050.63, 50000, 49000, 9, 0); //A small house ;)
	AddHouse(21, -2670.906250, 803.568725, 49.976562, 2251.85, -1138.16, 1050.63, 50000, 49000, 9, 0); //A small house ;)
	AddHouse(22, -2738.488037, 755.320983, 52.807075, 2251.85, -1138.16, 1050.63, 50000, 49000, 9, 0); //A small house ;)
	AddHouse(23, -2738.322509, 758.700988, 54.382812, 2251.85, -1138.16, 1050.63, 50000, 49000, 9, 0); //A small house ;)
	AddHouse(24, -2677.453857, 804.247070, 49.976562, 2251.85, -1138.16, 1050.63, 50000, 49000, 9, 0); //A small house ;)
	AddHouse(25, -2687.536621, 804.373962, 49.976562, 2251.85, -1138.16, 1050.63, 50000, 49000, 9, 0); //A small house ;)
That's it? If so, answer.

Messages In This Thread
Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Knowinne - 22.10.2016, 09:35
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Jayse - 22.10.2016, 09:43
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by RockyGamer - 22.10.2016, 09:53
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Knowinne - 22.10.2016, 11:28
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Knowinne - 22.10.2016, 12:30
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by SyS - 22.10.2016, 12:43
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Knowinne - 22.10.2016, 13:02
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Knowinne - 22.10.2016, 13:39
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Infinity - 22.10.2016, 15:11
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Knowinne - 22.10.2016, 15:25
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by SyS - 22.10.2016, 15:28
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Knowinne - 22.10.2016, 15:38
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Infinity - 22.10.2016, 15:39
Re: Crazy errors? Maybe! - by Marshall32 - 22.10.2016, 15:54

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