Making TAG Admin,Vip tag front the name without ONPLAYERTEXT

Well these bug are not really big i can fix it self, bat if its impossible then i have one question how i should GetPlayerColor cuz now i added some color with codes so its really boring every time put color codes and check how its luck so me question is how i should get player color and the put just a tag with different color cuz now me code luck like this
if(team[playerid] == TEAM_HUMAN)
	        GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
	    	if(pInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 1) format(stringbig, sizeof(stringbig), "{ffffff}[ {cc0033}A{ffffff} ]{66ccff}%s{ffffff}(%d): {FFFFFF}%s", name, playerid, text);
	    	else format(stringbig, sizeof(stringbig), "{66ccff}%s{ffffff}(%d): {ffffff}%s", name, playerid, text);
		    SendClientMessageToAll(playerid, stringbig);

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