DayZ servers items

Most likely manually with a hard coded command.

You can do it with an automated system too, but some objects may appear in unsuitable places. Some extra code could help you avoid that, but depends on how you decide to do it.

Messages In This Thread
DayZ servers items - by NeXoR - 19.10.2016, 10:01
Re: DayZ servers items - by Eoussama - 19.10.2016, 10:03
Re: DayZ servers items - by NeXoR - 19.10.2016, 11:06
Re: DayZ servers items - by Logic_ - 19.10.2016, 17:02
Re: DayZ servers items - by SickAttack - 20.10.2016, 02:07
Re: DayZ servers items - by Threshold - 02.11.2016, 00:48
Re: DayZ servers items - by ISmokezU - 02.11.2016, 00:56
Re: DayZ servers items - by Threshold - 02.11.2016, 01:03
Re: DayZ servers items - by Michael@Belgium - 03.11.2016, 11:30

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