Give something for couple seconds

I have one question how need give something for couple seconds like
 	    if(team[playerid] == TEAM_ZOMBIE)
  			if(pInfo[playerid][pZombieClass] == ROGUEZOMBIE)
  			    if(gettime() - 60 < Abilitys[playerid][ChangeSkinZombie]) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~ Still recovering",1000,5);
                    Abilitys[playerid][ChangeSkinZombie] = gettime();
		            case 0: SetPlayerSkin(playerid,5);
		            case 1: SetPlayerSkin(playerid,23);
		            case 2: SetPlayerSkin(playerid,56);
		            case 3: SetPlayerSkin(playerid,289);
		            case 4: SetPlayerSkin(playerid,299);
This function work now when i press l-alt i get random skin and name color, bat i want make now, when over like 30seconds everything going back, my regular skin,nick color.


Messages In This Thread
Give something for couple seconds - by henkas - 16.10.2016, 16:40
Respuesta: Give something for couple seconds - by Zume - 16.10.2016, 18:18
Re: Respuesta: Give something for couple seconds - by henkas - 17.10.2016, 12:32
Re: Give something for couple seconds - by henkas - 17.10.2016, 12:51
Re: Give something for couple seconds - by henkas - 17.10.2016, 16:15
Re: Give something for couple seconds - by henkas - 17.10.2016, 18:37
Re: Give something for couple seconds - by jlalt - 17.10.2016, 18:40
Re: Give something for couple seconds - by henkas - 17.10.2016, 19:42

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