MYSQL Database hosting company

Latency would also be determined by the location of the two nodes. If your client is in Germany and your server is in USA you're gonna have latency. If your client and server are in the same datacenter, there would be very little.

Messages In This Thread
MYSQL Database hosting company - by ToiletDuck - 15.10.2016, 08:58
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by BurnZ - 15.10.2016, 09:14
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by Dairyll - 15.10.2016, 10:15
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by SnowWolf - 15.10.2016, 13:51
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by AndySedeyn - 15.10.2016, 14:30
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by Yashas - 15.10.2016, 15:08
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by Chilli9434 - 15.10.2016, 15:48
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by SickAttack - 15.10.2016, 16:12
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by aymel - 15.10.2016, 17:05
Re: MYSQL Database hosting company - by TakeiT - 15.10.2016, 19:01

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