Originally Posted by Marricio
I see you're utilizing y_timers, however I won't make it any more complicated for you! Here it is.
pawn Код:
// OnGameModeInit SetTimerEx("CreateZombies", 500, false, "i", 0);
forward CreateZombies(count); public CreateZombies(count) { new str[24]; new Random = random(sizeof(ZombieSpawns)); format(str,sizeof(str),"Zombie[%d]",MAX_PLAYERS-(count)); FCNPC_Create(str); FCNPC_Spawn(count,DayZ_Z_RandSkinZombie[random(sizeof(DayZ_Z_RandSkinZombie))],ZombieSpawns[Random][0],ZombieSpawns[Random][1],ZombieSpawns[Random][2]+0.7); FCNPC_SetAngle(count,ZombieSpawns[Random][3]); ZombiesAlive ++; ZombieTimer[count] = repeat ZombieMove(count); SetPlayerColor(count,0xFF0000FF); IsAZombie[count] = 1;
SetTimerEx("CreateZombies", 500, false, "i", count + 1); // The trick is here! return 1; }
Yeah, let's create zombies non-stop!
1. Create a global variable with no cells
2. Create a timer that is set to repeat every 800-1000 ms
3. In the timer, spawn the zombie according to the value in the variable
4. Increment the value of the variable by 1
5. When the value of the variable is equal to the amount of zombies you want to spawn, kill the timer