Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS

I was 1 month with no edit my server (and restart)
So i come back to edit my gamemode, edit my things, compile, test in my home (i use linux destkop)

So i send the FRAG.GS server to FTP, but now everytime i try to start the server show me this:
Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error).

I tried everything at last 3 days, restart, make changes, destroy the server (change host)...

Nothing is working!
What could be? What i supossed to do?

Suport there is payed, i have no money, others guys has the same problem.
They soloved, but didnt said how...


My server_log when i try to start:
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[15:38:15] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[15:38:15] maxnpc = 0  (int)
[15:38:15] Server Plugins
[15:38:15] --------------
[15:38:15]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
[15:38:15]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded.
[15:38:15]   Loaded.
[15:38:15]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[15:38:15]  ===============================

[15:38:15]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[15:38:15]          Version:  2.8.1        

[15:38:15]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[15:38:15]  ===============================

[15:38:15]   Loaded.
[15:38:15]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded ***

[15:38:15]   Loaded.
[15:38:15]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[15:38:15] Filterscripts
[15:38:15] ---------------
[15:38:15]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.
My server.cfg:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 94Xsad623xad
maxplayers 30
port 5544
hostname Los Santos Gang War
gamemode0 GW
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.sa-mp.com
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300
stream_rate 1000
plugins mysql.so sscanf.so streamer.so

Messages In This Thread
Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 12.10.2016, 19:53
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by shourya12 - 13.10.2016, 13:50
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 14.10.2016, 19:45
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Logic_ - 14.10.2016, 19:49
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 17.10.2016, 16:17
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by alexkeward - 17.10.2016, 18:05
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 17.10.2016, 18:17
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by alexkeward - 18.10.2016, 14:11
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 18.10.2016, 19:32
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by alexkeward - 18.10.2016, 21:33
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Jayse - 22.10.2016, 19:18
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 22.10.2016, 20:33
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by alexkeward - 22.10.2016, 21:45
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 22.10.2016, 22:20
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ev0lution - 23.10.2016, 04:36
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 23.10.2016, 14:44
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Yaa - 23.10.2016, 16:01
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ev0lution - 24.10.2016, 09:52
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Logic_ - 24.10.2016, 11:06
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by StrikerZ - 24.10.2016, 13:08
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Sew_Sumi - 24.10.2016, 13:21
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 24.10.2016, 15:42
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by maikons - 25.10.2016, 19:48
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 26.10.2016, 15:45
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ev0lution - 27.10.2016, 07:06
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by GoldenLion - 27.10.2016, 11:00
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Sublime - 27.10.2016, 11:19
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by pedrotvr - 27.10.2016, 20:06
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Sgt.TheDarkness - 27.10.2016, 21:44
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Sew_Sumi - 27.10.2016, 23:39
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by pedrotvr - 29.10.2016, 02:50
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by pedrotvr - 30.10.2016, 20:41
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Sew_Sumi - 30.10.2016, 23:59
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by maikons - 01.11.2016, 18:53
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Sew_Sumi - 01.11.2016, 20:12
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by pedrotvr - 05.11.2016, 23:48
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by extender1987 - 08.11.2016, 11:24
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Sew_Sumi - 08.11.2016, 13:23
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Sew_Sumi - 11.11.2016, 21:32
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by Uberanwar - 22.11.2016, 14:24
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by pedrotvr - 25.11.2016, 19:59
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ev0lution - 10.12.2016, 04:09
Re: Oh no! The server couldn't be started (Unknown error). FRAG.GS - by ubunttu - 05.01.2017, 15:05

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