nohup ./samp03svr & failed to run command : "No such file or directory."

I got a VPS from OVH, it is a Debian x64 OS. I downloaded Putty and followed a tutorial on how to setup a samp server on a linux based VPS, but the last step which is, Entering nohup ./samp03svr & results to "nohup: failed to run command './samp03svr': No Such file or directory.
Ive been trying to fix this one for hours now, nothing seems to make this one work. Any ideas on how to fix this one? Thanks.

PHP Code:
samp@vps98250:~/samp03chmod +x samp-npc samp03svr announce
@vps98250:~/samp03nohup ./samp03svr &
@vps98250:~/samp03nohupignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
nohup: failed to run command 
`./samp03svr': No such file or directory 

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