I want to be scripter

Originally Posted by CannonBolt
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You played for 6 years and is only got interested in scripting now? i started playing samp last summer and started to script 1 month after,Just wow,my advice is: Don't even bother.
Get out of here, and get some manners.

Originally Posted by alexanderjb918
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Pawno is super simple most easiest thing to script. I learned C++ before hand game hacking then to pawno but pawno is different to c++ but you would understand it easier.
It's super simple, you can't even get the name of the language right. GG.


You don't need a teacher (indirectly), you can learn by looking at others' code, reading tutorials, consulting documentation, helping others in the Scripting Help board, and most importantly, by practicing and practicing. Explanations surely help once in a while, so don't hesitate to ask any questions or for help on things you code in the Scripting Help board. People will most likely give you their support, for free.


Messages In This Thread
I want to be scripter - by Delta00 - 07.10.2016, 19:41
Re: I want to be scripter - by GoldenLion - 07.10.2016, 19:42
Re: I want to be scripter - by iLearner - 07.10.2016, 19:43
Re: I want to be scripter - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 07.10.2016, 19:44
Re: I want to be scripter - by alexanderjb918 - 07.10.2016, 21:16
Re: I want to be scripter - by CannonBolt - 07.10.2016, 21:31
Re: I want to be scripter - by SickAttack - 07.10.2016, 22:39
Re: I want to be scripter - by CannonBolt - 07.10.2016, 22:48
Re: I want to be scripter - by SickAttack - 07.10.2016, 22:53
Re: I want to be scripter - by CannonBolt - 07.10.2016, 22:58

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