06.10.2016, 18:10
Последний раз редактировалось HeLiOn_PrImE; 07.10.2016 в 01:34.
You don't see a lot of islands these days, especially well made ones.
Have my rep for not releasing another damn interior. I'm sick of them.
Edit: Now I got the chance to actually load it and have a better look:
Although it's well made, it does look a little artificial.
A suggestion would be using beach land masses to make it look more natural.
I imagine islands would be made for exploration, but if you connect the land pieces of this map, you'll make yourself a pretty good deathmatch arena.
Have my rep for not releasing another damn interior. I'm sick of them.
Edit: Now I got the chance to actually load it and have a better look:
Although it's well made, it does look a little artificial.
A suggestion would be using beach land masses to make it look more natural.
I imagine islands would be made for exploration, but if you connect the land pieces of this map, you'll make yourself a pretty good deathmatch arena.