Job money

Originally Posted by fireriper2
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Oh, and if I'll use random(5000) will return something between 0 and 4999?
yes but if you want to change the payment you have to change the 1800 in this line aswell :

new price = 1800 + random(500);
1800 is the fixed price that you will get no matter what but + random(500) is maybe a bonus? means when you done the job you will get 1800 + random amount between 0 and 500

Messages In This Thread
Job money - by fireriper2 - 06.10.2016, 15:00
Re: Job money - by Jayse - 06.10.2016, 15:02
Re: Job money - by fireriper2 - 06.10.2016, 15:06
Re: Job money - by Vince - 06.10.2016, 15:18
Re: Job money - by lackmail - 06.10.2016, 15:21
Re: Job money - by fireriper2 - 06.10.2016, 15:32
Re: Job money - by lackmail - 06.10.2016, 16:15

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