
One more thing /

If you just want to block access to one port from an ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to port xxxx then type command:

PHP код:
iptables -A INPUT -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p udp --destination-port xxxx-j DROP 
The above rule will drop all packets coming from IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to port mail server port xxxx.

But the DROP will not be inmediate and may need a server restart if there are already connections from the offending IP.

This scenario is common with script kiddies trying to DDOS your server.

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[Off]Help - by BrianFaria - 03.10.2016, 19:00
Re: [Off]Help - by MCZOFT - 03.10.2016, 19:36
Re: [Off]Help - by MCZOFT - 03.10.2016, 19:41

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