Objects are acting in weird colors

It must be a certain weather+time of the day, that have a bug on the client side.

One of my player had the same issue, but only once. Weird thing is, I think other player didn't it that case but its a long long time ago so I don't recall.


Messages In This Thread
Objects are acting in weird colors - by ShoortyFl - 27.09.2016, 12:27
Re: Objects are acting in weird colors - by ShoortyFl - 28.09.2016, 12:43
Re: Objects are acting in weird colors - by CannonBolt - 28.09.2016, 12:44
Re: Objects are acting in weird colors - by ShoortyFl - 28.09.2016, 15:29
Re: Objects are acting in weird colors - by rt-2 - 28.09.2016, 15:47
Re: Objects are acting in weird colors - by SickAttack - 28.09.2016, 15:56

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