TextDrawBox Proggress bar

hey how to make
a texdrawbox go Left and Right
with a maximum value
if player get +10xp
XPBox = TextDrawCreate(153.00000+5, 438.000000, "_");///maximum value = 193.000000 , minimum value = 153.000000
if player get +10xp
TextDrawTextSize(XPBox, 454.000000, 4.000000+10);
make it same as proggresbar but grow by going |<LEFT<->RIGHT>|

Messages In This Thread
TextDrawBox Proggress bar - by bboytimix - 17.09.2016, 12:45
Re: TextDrawBox Proggress bar - by asto63 - 17.09.2016, 12:51
Re: TextDrawBox Proggress bar - by bboytimix - 17.09.2016, 13:03
Re: TextDrawBox Proggress bar - by asto63 - 17.09.2016, 13:04
Re: TextDrawBox Proggress bar - by bboytimix - 17.09.2016, 13:06

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