Job Caego-loader Crash

Hello guys I am a Moroccan scripter
I use SCRP as a gm but I have a little problem with this one
There's a job Cargo loader when I type the command /startdelivery everything is fine but when I try to type N to put the goods in the truck that crash , any Help please


Dialog:StartDelivery(playerid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if (response)
new id = Job_NearestPoint(playerid);

if (id == -1)
return 0;

PlayerData[playerid][pLoadType] = listitem + 1;
PlayerData[playerid][pLoadCrate] = 1;
PlayerData[playerid][pLoading] = 1;

SendServerMessage(playerid, "Ai selectat sa transporti \"%s\". Incarca marfa in vehicul.", inputtext);
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, JobData[id][jobPoint][0], JobData[id][jobPoint][1], JobData[id][jobPoint][2], 1.0);

SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 4, 3014, 1, 0.038192, 0.371544, 0.055191, 0.000000, 90.000000, 357.668670, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000);
SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_CARRY);

ApplyAnimation(playerid, "CARRY", "liftup", 4.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
ShowPlayerFooter(playerid, "Apasa ~y~'N'~w~ pentru a incarca.");
return 1;


CMDtartdelivery(playerid, params[])
new id = Job_NearestPoint(playerid);

if (PlayerData[playerid][pJob] != JOB_COURIER)
return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You don't have the appropriate job.");

if (id == -1 || JobData[id][jobType] != JOB_COURIER)
return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You are not in range of any loading point.");

if (PlayerData[playerid][pLoadType] > 0)
return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You have already started a delivery.");

if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))
return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You must exit the vehicle first.");

Dialog_Show(playerid, StartDelivery, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Select Type", "Retail Supplies\nAmmunition\nClothing\nFood Supplies\nGasoline\nFurniture", "Select", "Cancel");
return 1;

Screen :


Messages In This Thread
Job Caego-loader Crash - by JasonMorelli - 14.09.2016, 11:08
Re: Job Caego-loader Crash - by Rufio - 14.09.2016, 11:16
Re: Job Caego-loader Crash - by JasonMorelli - 14.09.2016, 14:40
Re: Job Caego-loader Crash - by Konstantinos - 14.09.2016, 14:54

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