Need Help Of MySql Expert


I Am Having A Problem That I Can't Spawn In My Server.I Am Using MySQL.Please Help How To Fix It.

Here Is My Server Log
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[08:31:26] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[08:31:26] Server Plugins
[08:31:26] --------------
[08:31:26]  Loading plugin:
[08:31:26]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[08:31:26]   Loaded.
[08:31:26]  Loading plugin:
[08:31:26]   Loaded.
[08:31:26]  Loading plugin:
[08:31:26]   Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[08:31:26]  Loading plugin:

[08:31:26]  ===============================

[08:31:26]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[08:31:26]          Version:  2.8.1        

[08:31:26]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[08:31:26]  ===============================

[08:31:26]   Loaded.
[08:31:26]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.5.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[08:31:26]   Loaded.
[08:31:26]  Loading plugin:
[08:31:26]  ==================
[08:31:26]   Whirlpool loaded
[08:31:26]  ==================
[08:31:26]   Loaded.
[08:31:26]  Loading plugin:
[08:31:26]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[08:31:26]   Loaded.
[08:31:26]  Loading plugin:
[08:31:26]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[08:31:26]   Loaded.
[08:31:26]  Loaded 7 plugins.

[08:31:26] Ban list
[08:31:26] --------
[08:31:26]  Loaded: samp.ban
[08:31:26] Filterscripts
[08:31:26] ---------------
[08:31:26]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[08:31:26]  ======================================= 
[08:31:26]  |                                     | 
[08:31:26]  |        YSI version 4.00.0001        | 
[08:31:26]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[08:31:26]  |                                     | 
[08:31:26]  ======================================= 
[08:31:26] Mysql Status : 

[08:31:26] MapAndreas: plugin could not init!
[08:31:26] MapAndreas: check files and make sure you have enough memory!
[08:31:26] GPS System Loaded...
[08:31:26] --------------------------------------

[08:31:26]  3G Cops and Robbers by Anurag
[08:31:26] -----------------------------------------

[08:31:26] Number of vehicle models: 130
[08:32:11] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[08:32:12] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[08:32:13] [warning] dropping a split packet from client
[08:32:15] [join] Anurag has joined the server (0:
[08:32:15] [pause] Anurag is now AFK.
[08:32:35] [resume] Anurag is no longer AFK because he's left the game. (20 seconds)
[08:32:35] [part] Anurag has left the server (0:1)
I Got Error In My SQL Log
<html><head><title>MySQL Plugin log</title><style>table {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 23px; table-layout: fixed; width: 863px;}th, td {border: 1px solid black; word-wrap: break-word;}thead {background-color: #C0C0C0;}		tbody {text-align: center;}		table.left1 {position: relative; left: 36px;}		table.left2 {position: relative; left: 72px;}		.time {width: 80px;}		.func {width: 200px;}		.stat {width: 75px;}		.msg {width: 400px;}	</style>	<script>		var 			LOG_ERROR = 1,			LOG_WARNING = 2,			LOG_DEBUG = 4;				var			FirstRun = true,			IsCallbackActive = false,			IsTableOpen = false,			IsThreadActive = false;				function StartCB(cbname) {			StartTable(1, 0, cbname);		}		function EndCB() {			EndTable();			IsCallbackActive = false;		}		function StartTable(iscallback, isthreaded, cbname) {			if(IsTableOpen == true || isthreaded != IsThreadActive)				EndTable();						if(iscallback == true) {				document.write(					"<table class=left2>" +						"<th bgcolor=#C0C0C0 >In callback \""+cbname+"\"</th>" +					"</table>"				);			}						document.write("<table");			if(iscallback == true || (isthreaded != IsThreadActive && isthreaded == false && IsCallbackActive == true) ) {				document.write(" class=left2");				IsCallbackActive = true;			}			else if(isthreaded == true) 				document.write(" class=left1");						IsThreadActive = isthreaded;			document.write(">");						if(FirstRun == true) {				FirstRun = false;				document.write("<thead><th class=time>Time</th><th class=func>Function</th><th class=stat>Status</th><th class=msg>Message</th></thead>");			}			document.write("<tbody>");			IsTableOpen = true;		}				function EndTable() {			document.write("</tbody></table>");			IsTableOpen = false;		}						function Log(time, func, status, msg, isthreaded) {			isthreaded = typeof isthreaded !== 'undefined' ? isthreaded : 0;			if(IsTableOpen == false || isthreaded != IsThreadActive)				StartTable(false, isthreaded, "");			var StatColor, StatText;			switch(status) {			case LOG_ERROR:				StatColor = "RED";				StatText = "ERROR";				break;			case LOG_WARNING:				StatColor = "#FF9900";				StatText = "WARNING";				break;			case LOG_DEBUG:				StatColor = "#00DD00";				StatText = "OK";				break;			}			document.write(				"<tr bgcolor="+StatColor+">" + 					"<td class=time>"+time+"</td>" + 					"<td class=func>"+func+"</td>" + 					"<td class=stat>"+StatText+"</td>" + 					"<td class=msg>"+msg+"</td>" + 				"</tr>"			);		}	</script></head><body bgcolor=grey>	<h2>Logging started at 08:31, 11.09.2016</h2><script>
Log("08:31:26","mysql_connect",1,"empty connection data specified",0);
Log("08:31:26","mysql_stat",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:31:26","mysql_format",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:31:26","mysql_query",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:31:26","cache_get_row_count",2,"no active cache",0);
Log("08:31:26","mysql_format",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:31:26","mysql_query",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:31:26","cache_get_row_count",2,"no active cache",0);
Log("08:31:26","mysql_format",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:31:26","mysql_query",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:31:26","cache_get_row_count",2,"no active cache",0);
Log("08:32:15","mysql_query",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:32:15","cache_get_row_count",2,"no active cache",0);
Log("08:32:15","mysql_escape_string",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:32:15","mysql_format",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Log("08:32:15","mysql_tquery",1,"invalid connection handle (id: 0)",0);
Please Help Me To Fix These Errors

Messages In This Thread
Need Help Of MySql Expert - by CarRamper - 11.09.2016, 14:19
Re: Need Help Of MySql Expert - by Quinncell - 11.09.2016, 14:29
Re: Need Help Of MySql Expert - by CarRamper - 11.09.2016, 14:31
Re: Need Help Of MySql Expert - by Quinncell - 11.09.2016, 14:34
Re: Need Help Of MySql Expert - by CarRamper - 11.09.2016, 14:36
Re: Need Help Of MySql Expert - by CarRamper - 11.09.2016, 14:49
Re: Need Help Of MySql Expert - by Vince - 11.09.2016, 15:03
Re: Need Help Of MySql Expert - by CarRamper - 11.09.2016, 15:11
Re: Need Help Of MySql Expert - by BurnZ - 12.09.2016, 01:33

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