Originally Posted by lackmail
you have to plus one participant then format the message also you have to put return 1; so it should look like:
PHP код:
new Participants;
CMD:arena(playerid, params[])
new string[90];
InArena[playerid] = true;
format(string,sizeof(string),"[ARENA]: %s(%d) has joined The Arena [%i Participants]",GetName(playerid), playerid, Participants);
return 1;
edit: i dont think you should make arena Participants[MAX_PLAYERS] it should be a normal variable just new Participants because
Participants[MAX_PLAYERS] < one variable for each player so when they join each player variable will count the player itself not other players
Originally Posted by Misiur
Also your InArena is a char array, you must use {} to access it:
pawn Код:
InArena{playerid} = true;
I use that way alot in my script should i change it? also what would happen if i use it with [ instead of {