Playing RP with LSPD "need bind"

Originally Posted by MaazS
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Scenario: You're a cop on a roleplay server. You're driving when someone runs a red light. You turn on your sirens. Then you stop so you can type out "/m This is the Los Santos Police Department, pull over to the right side of the road and turn off your engine!". They're gone.
It attests bad gamemode design. If your users need third party tools to effectively play on your server then you're clearly doing something wrong. I don't know how US pullovers work, but I seriously doubt that the officers use their microphone a lot; the message is already being sent through lights and sirens.

Messages In This Thread
Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by Bridge - 27.08.2016, 07:05
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by JakeXxX - 27.08.2016, 07:25
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by JakeXxX - 27.08.2016, 07:42
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by MaazS - 28.08.2016, 21:43
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by MaazS - 28.08.2016, 21:52
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by Luis- - 28.08.2016, 22:42
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by MaazS - 29.08.2016, 00:40
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by Vince - 29.08.2016, 21:29
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by MaazS - 29.08.2016, 21:34
Re: Playing RP with LSPD "need bind" - by Sew_Sumi - 29.08.2016, 22:12

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